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Tips for Staying Handcuff Free this Independence Day

1) Do NOT drink and drive. Police departments often set up sobriety check points to snag drivers who have had too much to drink. There are some technical requirements the police have to comply with to do this legally but, in the short term, you will spend your Independence Day in jail so, abstain from drinking, get a designated driver, or take an Uber/Lyft.

2) Do NOT use or possess illegal fireworks. Every year we get cases where someone was having a private celebration or purchased but had not yet used illegal fireworks. This can lead to felony charges, believe it or not. And, the judges are not sympathetic about this since California has had some huge fires. Enjoy the local shows instead.

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3) Keep your hands to yourself. Generally, alcohol and high emotions are a bad combination. Sometimes exes have to attend events together for the sake of the kids or you just have a relative or friend of a relative that gets on your last nerve. We understand but pouring alcohol on the problem can lead to explosive situations. Watch your alcohol intake and avoid people you don’t like.

Happy 4th of July from Washington & Associates and if you lose your independence on Independence Day, give us a call. We’ll help you get it back. 😊


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