Valient Law Firm
2nd Gang Case Dismissed after Qiana Annihilates Prosecutor in Motion
In part II of this story (read about part 1 here), the prosecution dismissed and re-filed a misdemeanor case the client had pending and used it as a basis to get him back into custody after a judge ordered him released. Qiana battled forward, filed a suppression motion to get the case dismissed and brought out every other legal tool in her arsenal. She cited law, argued the facts, caught a police corporal committing perjury, and filed yet another motion. The original prosecutor dumped the case on one of his colleagues. After the judge announced his intention to grant Qiana’s motion to dismiss, the prosecutor finally threw in the towel and dismissed the case himself. The client was finally vindicated. Click here to read the East Bay Times article about the background. Click here to read about other exciting victories.